

Starts August 4, 2014; MBS Campus

The concept and biblically-based practice of mentoring and group dynamics will be dealt in this course.  Students will work on relational skills and principles of interpersonal communication relevant to the discipling ministry context, team life and missionary.


That students learn :-

  1. To assist believers in their understanding and practice of biblical discipleship in an environment which may be different from his/her own.
  2. to improve on their personal mentoring skills in the context of making disciples perhaps in a different situation, culture or country.
  3. to operate with leadership skills within their respective spheres of influence of varied backgrounds



Florence Tan Poh Lian is a theological educator and a writer.  A keen disciple-maker of 30 years of fulltime ministry with The Navigators Singapore, she was also a lecturer of 18 years with Singapore Bible College covering subjects on Spiritual Formation, Discipling/Mentoring and Missions.  She was concurrently director of Field Education and  later, Alumni & Church Relations besides serving in the Doctor of Ministry Department since its inception. She had taught on short-term basis in many Bible schools in Asia as well as a few in the Western world.

Having written a Bible discussion book,  Survival & Sufficiency  on life issues and Meaningful  Moments With My Maker,  a compilation of daily devotionals for the whole year published in 2012,  she has also edited  four books:

Pathways: The Road to Mentoring;
Missions Matrix: Navigating 21st Century Missiological Issues;
Creative Crossings: Navigating 21st Century Contextualisation and
Connecting For Christ: Overcoming Challenges Across Culture

Dr. Florence Tan obtained her bachelor degree (honours) at the University of Singapore and subsequently went for MA/B.S. (hons), Th.M. (hons), and Doctor of Ministry studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.

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