Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care


Starts July 31, 2014; DUMC

An exploration of the Biblical teachings concerning the pastoral ministry with special emphasis on the development of pastors and lay leaders in the care of members of their flock.


I.    A Brief Biblical And Theological Survey   Of The Understanding Of The Pastoral Ministry

The  Biblical and Theological Understanding of a pastor
The  Biblical and Theological Understanding of Call, Role and Identity
Pastoral Theology: Relationship Between Theology, Theory And Practice
Pastor as a theologian (see article Why We Need Jesus

Reason and morality cannot show us a good and gracious God. For that, we need the Incarnation. Michael Horton)

II.  Contemporary Influences On The Pastoral Ministry. 

Influences on the pastoral ministry. Looking at the writings of the Puritans, Catholic theologians, James Houston, Eugene Peterson and others (Spirituality)
The Therapeutic approach : Psychology and Counseling (Larry Crabb)
The pastor as CEO: Leadership and Management (One doesn’t fit all, Gary L. McIntosh)
Pastor as social, political worker

III. Lay-Clergy Relationships 

IV. Pastoral Identity. The Life and Work of the Pastor

Dealing with sin and temptation
Pastor as peace maker
Church Discipline
Singles’ Ministry.
Marriage Ministry.
Family ministry
Pastoral Care Of The Elderly.
Ministry to the sick and dying

V.  Special occasions


About the Lecturer

_A-120625-120619 Rev. Dr. Tony Lim graduated with a D. Min (SBC), MTS (Regent College, Canada) and a Licentiate of Theology (Hons.) from the Australian College of Theology. He is also an alumnus of MBS graduating with a B.Th. Majoring in Pastoral Theology and Spiritual Formation, Rev. Dr. Tony comes with thirty years of rich pastoral experience having pastored churches in Canada and Malaysia. He has authored a number of articles on Spirituality and Pastoral Care in Kairos magazine. He has also been a contributor to Scripture Union of Malaysia’s One Year Devotional Bible Reading (Volume 2) on the commentary section of 1 Samuel 17-24.

Rev Dr Tony Lim is the Dean of the English Department of Malaysia Bible Seminary (MBS).

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