Theology based on the Bible
The Bible is God’s eternal revelation; the supreme standard and guideline for Christian faith, life, and ministry.
Academic Research must respond to Modern Needs
Effective theological education must be supported by excellent academic research. Research that is relevant must respond to modern needs and challenges, and must engage with the current aspirations of humanity.
Ministry in partnership with the Church
A theological seminary exists to cultivate Christian workers of a high calibre in order to meet the needs of the Church. As such, MBS seeks to develop a close partnership with the churches.
Resources to promote missionary works
Christ’s Great Commission is the ultimate mission of the Church. Thus, theological education must be able to utilize its resources for the goal of achieving this through ministry.
Evangelical commitment
The Seminary accepts without reservation the divine inspiration of the Bible, and confidence in the unity of God’s truth in its application to all aspects of the life of man.
Interdenominational breadth
The Seminary is committed to the service of the entire Church of Jesus Christ in its various expressions, recognising the distinctiveness of each denomination or organisation.
Academic excellence
The Seminary believes that excellence in education is a Christian calling. We are, therefore, committed to achieving and maintaining the highest academic quality in our teaching with an academic programme that encourages and fosters spiritual formation of the individual.
Holistic concern
The Seminary is committed to the nurturing of the whole man expressed through a philosophy of education that enhances the spiritual, personal, social, aesthetic and emotional development of the individual by the integration of thought and action, and a communal life that encourages the development of a lifestyle that confesses the glory of God in all areas of life.