Spiritual Formation (Onsite)

Spiritual Formation (Onsite)

MBS 1st Semester 2025
Lecturer: Rev. Dr. Tony Lim

1. Course Description
The Spiritual Formation course is a 12-week journey designed to foster Christlikeness through a holistic integration of theology, personal reflection, and practical spiritual practices. The course explores the theological underpinnings of spiritual formation, emphasising its lifelong, grace-driven nature. Through this course, students will engage in biblical narratives, personal spiritual practices, and relational dynamics that contribute to authentic transformation. The course balances intellectual knowledge and experiential growth, helping students cultivate a life of surrender, service, and love as they grow into the image of Christ. By the end of the course, students will have the tools to embrace spiritual disciplines, integrate mind, body, and soul, and lead others from a place of spiritual maturity.

2. Course Objective
In this course, we will journey together to define spiritual formation as the Christ-centred process of personal transformation. We will uncover the biblical and theological foundations that shape this transformation and learn how spiritual practices nurture intimacy with God and foster Christlike character. With an emphasis on integrating mind, body, and soul, we will develop a holistic perspective of spiritual growth.

This journey will also invite us to cultivate reflection, surrender, and a commitment to growth in our spiritual lives and ministry contexts. Along the way, we’ll gain practical tools to sustain lifelong spiritual development and lead others in their walk of faith while embracing the dynamic and grace-filled process of becoming more like Christ.

3. Course Outline by Week
The course is divided into three parts:
Weeks 1-4 establish the theological and narrative foundations of spiritual formation, focusing on identity and the centrality of Christ.
Weeks 5-8 build on relational aspects, helping students understand the role of attachment, community, and relationships in spiritual growth.
Weeks 9-12 focus on practical tools, personal transformation, and the lifelong journey of discipleship, preparing students to integrate these principles into ministry.

1. Week 1: Introduction to Spiritual Formation
o Define spiritual formation as a process of becoming Christlike.
o Explore its biblical and theological foundations.
o Focus on holistic transformation of mind, body, and soul.

2. Week 2: The Power of Stories in Spiritual Formation
o Explore how biblical and personal narratives shape identity.
o Reflect on gospel narratives as redemptive stories that guide spiritual growth.

3. Week 3: Gospel Narratives and the Christian Story
o Examine how gospel narratives form identity and challenge distorted “shaming gospels.”
o Focus on living out the redemptive story of Christ in daily life.

4. Week 4: Christ at the Centre
o Understand the centrality of Christ in spiritual formation.
o Explore how His life, teachings, and presence shape spiritual practices and identity.

5. Week 5: The Possibility of Change: Attachment and Identity
o Examine the role of attachment and secure identity in spiritual growth.
o Integrate theological and neuroscientific insights into spiritual transformation.

6. Week 6: Entering the Process of Change: Relational Skills
o Develop relational skills that nurture spiritual growth and Christ-centred community.
o Focus on empathy, love bonds, and mutual connection.

7. Week 7: Shifting from Fear to Love
o Explore how fear disrupts spiritual growth and how love fosters trust and intimacy with God.
o Practice spiritual disciplines that nurture love-based relationships.

8. Week 8: Multigenerational Community
o Understand the role of multigenerational communities in spiritual formation.
o Develop strategies for fostering intergenerational unity and growth in ministry.

9. Week 9: Spiritual Disciplines: Tools for Transformation
o Introduce spiritual disciplines as practical tools for intimacy with God and personal transformation.
o Emphasise the role of prayer, fasting, and meditation in daily life.

10. Week 10: Renovation of the Heart
o Reflect on comprehensive transformation across mind, will, and relationships.
o Explore the importance of surrender, grace, and perseverance in growth.

11. Week 11: Dying to Self and Living for Christ
o Understand the role of self-denial, suffering, and surrender in spiritual growth.
o Embrace the call to follow Christ fully by aligning desires with God’s purposes.

12. Week 12: The Magnificent Story: Living the Kingdom Life
o Reflect on the gospel as the “magnificent story” of beauty, truth, and love.
o Commit to living a kingdom-focused life of surrender and service.

4. Course Assessments
1. A Series of Five Reflections: Training Our Souls
As we journey through The Magnificent Story, the author James Bryan Smith encourages readers to engage in “soul training exercises” at the end of each chapter. These exercises are designed to help us become more aware of beauty, goodness, and truth in our everyday lives, and to deepen our connection with God through practices that engage our senses.

For this assignment, you will complete a series of five reflections (maximum two A4 pages each) that build on these soul training exercises. The reflections should demonstrate your engagement with the material and your personal spiritual formation over the course of the semester.

The five required reflections are:

  1. Beauty
  2. Truth
  3. Servant of the Lord
  4. Set your mind on Christ
  5. Speak, Lord

These reflections should be thoughtful, introspective pieces that show how you are allowing the magnificent story to shape your vision, your identity, and your way of living. Draw from the soul training exercises provided in the book, as well as your own experiences, to explore how God is meeting you and transforming you through this study.

The goal of this assignment is not to summarize the book, but to actively participate in the spiritual formation process that The Magnificent Story invites us into. Approach these reflections as an opportunity to “train your soul” and to see how the magnificent story of God is unfolding in your own life.

2. Book Review on James Bryan Smith’s The Magnificent Story
Students will write a 1,500-word review of The Magnificent Story by James Bryan Smith.


  • Identify and engage with key themes in the book, such as beauty, goodness, and truth in the gospel narrative.
  • Reflect on how the book aligns with and enhances the theological principles of spiritual formation discussed in class.
  • Apply insights from the book to personal spiritual practices and ministry contexts.


3. Biblical and Theological Reflection on the Processes of Spiritual Formation
Students will write a comprehensive, 3,000-word reflection on the biblical and theological foundations of spiritual formation. This assignment integrates class content, personal insights, and spiritual practices.


  1. Biblical Foundations: Explore key passages that shape spiritual formation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2, John 15, 2 Corinthians 3:18).
  2. Theological Insights: Discuss theological themes such as grace, transformation, and surrender.
  3. Personal Application: Reflect on how these biblical and theological insights have shaped your spiritual journey.
  4. Practical Implications: Articulate how these principles can be applied in ministry contexts to lead others in spiritual growth.


6. Core Texts

  1. Smith, James. The Magnificent Story: Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. IVP Books, 2017.
    2. Mulholland , M. Robert. Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation. Rev. ed., IVP Books, 2016.
    3. Willard, Dallas. Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ. NavPress, 2002.


Supplementary readings

  • Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship. Rev. ed., Touchstone, 1995.
  • Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community. HarperOne, 2009.
  • Friesen, J.G., et al. Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You. Rev. ed., Shepherd’s House Inc., 2013.
  • Hellerman, Joseph H. When the Church Was a Family: Recapturing Jesus’ Vision for Authentic Christian Community. B&H Academic, 2009.
  • Nouwen, Henri J.M. Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit. HarperOne, 2010.
  • Smith, James Bryan. The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows. IVP Books, 2009.
  • Smith, James Bryan. The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom. IVP Books, 2018.
  • Wilder, Jim, Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church that Transforms. NavPress, 2020